Achievements Release

We're thrilled to announce one of our most coveted and exciting features!

Achievements Release
Apr 15, 2024 02:20 PM
Elevate your park experience by progressing through hundreds of challenges encouraging you to ride, explore, and engage with the server in brand-new ways.
Not all achievements will be as easy as exploring Fantasyland or riding Jumpin' Jellyfish for the first time! Some achievements are hidden, and you must complete them in order to unveil the challenge 🤫

⏪ Backdating

Ride achievements will be backdated, meaning that any ride progress you've made on the server before this release will be counted towards your achievements. For instance, if you already have 500 total rides, they'll count towards your total ride achievements! The goal of backdating is to make your achievements more accurate to your Imagine Fun experience. You’ve already put in the ride time, and achievements will reflect that!
You may notice that some achievements in other categories are also backdated. These are the ones with data we’ve already been tracking. However, many — such as exploring specific regions of the park — were not previously tracked and must be completed again.

🏆 100% Completion

Some achievements are not counted towards the “100% Completion” achievement, including hidden achievements requiring a copious amount of rides or store purchases.

🏁 Ready, Set, Achieve!

Starting NOW, your achievements can be accessed through the IFone, /achievements, or the Achievements NPC at the Hub. As you progress, you'll unlock unique rewards, including exclusive collectibles, Kingdom Coins, and more! Items will go directly to your inventory or their respective balances (/bal, /titles, etc.). Navigation tabs at the top of the achievements menu will help you track your progress.
If you’re having trouble unlocking achievements, try exploring a new region of the park or riding a ride, as these will help force your progress to update. Achievement broadcast announcements can be toggled in “Message Settings” in /settings.

Now the question is, how quickly can you speedrun ImagineFun? 🤔


Thank you to Besupo, bobapoppin, Cameron_273, Camzanno, CramGrackers, currentcafe5232, Depped, DubPixel, elizbet, lilpsyxho, Quinnithan, and RealInstantRamen for working on the contents of this announcement!

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