Public Stage Call #10

Join us as we talk about upcoming features, events, and more at the monthly public stage call!

Public Stage Call #10
Sep 2, 2024 09:48 PM
Fun fact this is almost the 4 year anniversary of when IASW was supposed to release.
If you hear a boat horn Cam is sorry, he is currently on a cruise
Thank you to QuanOnTheCob for recording!
Video preview

Summer Event

  • What did you think?
    • Have made note of the repeat in content, will be changing it up in the future with items and builds to have less repeats
    • Will also have events less focused on a specific subgenre so those who aren’t fans will still enjoy
  • For the Halloween event would you want something similar or maybe something new
    • Crowd generally said something new
    • We have a cool new idea that we’re hopeful about!
    • Other ideas
      • Weekly costume contents
      • Trick or treating - more interactive? What if they’re only out on certain nights
      • Villains


  • We have 100+ achievements that are conceptualized and mostly written out that we want to load in. Not going to dump them all at once, but goal that we’re going to introduce a bunch at the start of every month so it’s balanced and you have the chance to catch up
  • Really liked some of the suggestions we’ve seen recently
  • Goal is to consistently add some every month, to create a buffer in between drops
    • Some that will be arriving:
      • Ride with every JC/storybook skipper/storyteller
        • Side note: Going to rebalance so glados isn’t as common, totally broke randomization, going to make it so it’s rare again
      • First to say gg after a purchase
      • More challenge achievements coming soon for sure
      • Little fun things like that!

Content Schedule

  • We’ve built out a content schedule of everything we want to release before the end of 2024 (which is soon!)
    • Vote Shop is on there!! We are SORRY
  • Made a poll choosing which of the 3 we should prioritize for our remaining flex areas in the calendar
    • Clubs
      • Like guilds or a persistent party. Can level up your club, etc.
    • Mayors
      • Vote for an NPC who will be mayor and give modifiers for the duration of their time “in office” (e.g., boosts payout in Fantasyland rides)
    • /host update
      • Adding new minigames (like prop hunt) and new maps
      • notion image

More ideas

Perks Updates

  • We’re still working through some perks updates
    • Working on M&G scheduling and how it can best work for our team and the server
  • DVC Server render distance is now 32
  • We’re experimenting with increasing the render distance for DVC players on main servers as well
    • Recommend mods like Bobby mod (similar to Distant Horizons — which we’re working on publishing our file so users can load in and just have all the chunks there immediately)
  • Working on the ability to offer IF+ trials
    • Have 8 rides adding /pov support over the next few months
    • Have a bunch of rides moving to constantly spawned ride cars, including Peoplemover, Haunted Mansion, Ariel
      • Going to lower the tracking distance on the vehicles extremely, so should not be an issue with lag


  • You may have noticed that the map updated and some doors weren’t closed… it seems people went exploring and saw…
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  • The Tiki Room is extremely close to release, although we aren’t going to give the exact date today
  • We will be doing the first rider group, as we did for RotR
    • The winners will get a voucher for their entry, which they can sell
    • Aren’t sure how we’ll decide or distribute yet
      • Cam was GOING to do a bit where from this moment on, if you said the secret keyword in the Minecraft server chat, you would be in the draw. Nobody got to know what the word is, it was whoever happened to say it. This was too mean so we aren’t doing it
    • Will also get an exclusive title

Mix Magic

  • Working on projections, pyrotechnics, etc.
  • It is on the schedule for release THIS FRIDAY
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Hall of Fame!

  • Launching extremely soon
  • Final leak of the HOF:
    • notion image

Magic Pass Season 2

  • Will be adjusting our XP earnings for next season
    • Removing the ride buff we did the other week
    • Boosting XP for dailies and weeklies
      • Adding more types of quests to the daily pool
        • Adding dailies that are ride x rides in x land
      • + improving the daily queue randomization
  • Looking at adding XP for other things like participating in minigames, parkour, potentially chat games if we add those back


  • No dates!
  • We are actively working on hotels, quite happy with how it’s coming along
  • Was originally hoping to release it before Cam went on vacation, timing got scary and 400 other things came up
  • Maybe beta, more likely tiered release so certain ranks get access earlier so we have time to test with increasing groups of people, and also to ensure hotels doesn’t explode when it rolls out to everyone


Click on the question to expand the answer.
will we get any of the new halloween stuff that IRL Disney has shown (like Dr Doof's gun thing, Ursula, etc)
  • Would say there’s a pretty good chance, definitely put the toy ideas in the thread
How are you all doing today? have you all have water?
  • Cam doing great on a lovely boat with lots of water
  • Slinx doin pretty good
  • Nara is drinking water rn and doing amazing
Will we ever get so see a Halloween event in the DCA area almost like irl Oogie Boogie bash, with treat trail etc
  • Yes!!!!
Will we be able to activate quests in the Hub and Retro world? I.e., is this a bug or a feature? It's been broken since the Retro merge
  • This is a bug, pretty sure we know why it’s broken but unsure how to fix it
Is there any reason why we can't raffle stacks of items anymore? Some of us wants to raffle off stacks of event tokens from the last event but can't
  • Will add it back, forget why it was disabled
Since riding short rides won't get you a better chance of earning a magic key, is the chance calculated based on the length of the ride? If possible can we get a quick rundown of how the chances is calculated?
  • It’s not based on you finishing a ride, it’s incremental where every time you earn 10 minutes of ride time, it then gives you a chance of getting a reward. So if you ride for 20 minutes, you get 2 chances of getting a reward.
  • Little rides build up. For example, if you ride Gadgets which is 45 seconds and Matterhorn, which is 3 minutes, then you have a total of 3 minutes 45 seconds
  • The chance is very low of getting a reward
Is there a recording for last month's meeting?
  • Yes but it’s on Cam’s PC at home which he will not be at for a minute
Adding onto this, is it possible that we could have more things to do throughout the park? I feel like the majority of what everyone does on the server is grind rides and I feel like there would be more life in the park if we had things such as more interactive quests, scavengers hunts, etc
  • Leak: Ramen has been working on a new interactive park event.
    • First one we’ll be rolling out is a “spider-bot catch” event where you help Peter Parker catch the spider bots that are running around Avengers Campus
When will guardians be fixed? (Sometimes when you are on the ride you see two versions of Drax and Groot in the same scene)
  • Had no idea this was a bug, will look into it
Have you started working on W.E.B
  • Ramen dreams that Cam will say yes to start on it every day
Can we get more villain themed items for Halloween like Ursula’s tentacles, Dr facilier’s hat, The evil queens crown etc
  • Yes please put in thread of suggestions
Will there be any special Villain quests or events for Halloween?
  • Surely some villain influence in the event
Will guardians of the galaxy monsters after dark be back?
  • Yes it will be back
Is the Vote Token Shop ready? It has been ~11 months since it was first announced last year on Oct 3rd.
  • We’re celebrating 4 years of IASW so 11 months is rookie numbers!
I am once again asking if we can get Baja Blast purchasable from the Taco Bell in the mall
  • Why does the mall still exist ):
Can you tease the next big project?
  • Wow! A bird just landed on the side of the boat!
When will the next event start?
  • Probably October 1st
Will there be any new minigames?
  • Depends how that poll goes!
Do you like Jazz?
  • Yes
the pin hoarder buff was rolled out but i know that you talked about also adding a feature where we could change the original pin holders name using a command or something. when will that be added?
  • Someday, not prioritizing because not sure if we want to let you do it yet, still thinking about it
this year i and a bunch of others have seen a drastic increase in time outs or crashes on the server. have you guys been looking in to what may be causing those or potential solutions? it has been very difficult to play this year with a lot of us being constantly disconnected. with this i am referring to group crashes not individual situations.
  • This is an ongoing battle we have with our provider. We’re partnered with another server for our physical machines but have our own ISP, which has been unreliable this past year. We’re looking into alternative options, and at absolute worst we’ll move if it doesn’t get resolved. We’re getting tired of it, and we know you are too
Any plan to add muppet vision 3D to retro?
  • Not currently looking into updating retro
Are we getting star tours in the future?
  • We’re looking into completing all DL/DCA rides eventually
How do you plan on going about rides with screens? Especially considering most new Disney rides contain screens. I would love to know some of the technical things that go on with screens. ALSO: how will you handle rides like web slingers and toy story midway mania with all the interactive elements and them being heavily screen based?
  • Once we can consistently support shaders/screen stuff with more modern MC versions. Even with the firework show coming up, good chance many versions aren’t able to see it. Trying to figure out how to potentially force people onto one specific version and constantly update IF to be on latest version
Will classic puffles ever be unvaulted?
  • Surely
are there any rides taking top priority to do right now?
  • Just the funny one about some birds
  • There are some more in the pipeline
For World of Color (if it's possible to answer), what version of the show would be developed? The original version from 2010 or World of Color - ONE (current)? Also, will the holiday show be developed as well in the future (World of Color - Season of Light)?
  • Can we all agree that the original is the best? Slinx has been working on the original, but season of light is super cool too so hopefully we have time to get that one done too but no promises
Could we maybe see regular ride pins (instead of the enchanted ones) for hitting 1k rides? I think it would bring a cool incentive to hitting 1k and easier to make it a fun collector item
  • Not 100% sure yet, but completely possible
Any possibilities of more weekly tiers for IF+? With IF+, you can get over 25 dailies and I think it'd be nice to have more so it's easier to gain XP for the magicpass (as well as maybe some exclusive items?)
  • Not sure how we’d do the weeklies but considering changes
Any updates on Paradise Pier from the newswire a while back?
  • Someday, it’s not a priority
i’m also going to ask about a potential release of the disneyland marquee pin (announcement link)⁠ because i’ve been asking for the past 4 years
  • Got nothing to say about this, sorry
will there be any specific themed night/day events in the future? like how disneyland does sweethearts nite, disneyland after dark, especially oogie boogie bash, etc…
  • Most definitely!
Any chance at 90s nite will return soon?
  • Probably not this year, but surely in the future
Could we get some attraction-themed warp effects? Something like ride vehicles bringing you to your destination, icons from the ride, etc
  • Like this, really cool idea yes!
Any chance Kuzco's Llama shop i gonna stop being capped so low.
  • Not that low right now! It’s capped at 800 right now, not buffing right now stop hoarding llamas!
When will Ariel's Undersea Adventure get the moving walkway like Haunted Mansion and Buzz?
  • Probably when we update it to be a constantly spawned ride
Will any of the items that haven't appeared for years ever come back to shops/crates?
  • Yes and if you have specific ideas on what you’d like to return we’d love to hear it in #suggestions
Could loot drops be brought back? Or was there a reason on why they were originally removed?
  • Removed it because people didn’t care about them in the end, but the second we removed them people missed them, so they’ll probably make a return
When will myIF come back
  • FINE we will LOOK at restoring it sometime. But NOT THIS YEAR
    • notion image
Can I get some more Astro orbiter ride items?? Like some type of shop? It’s my fav ride
  • I’m sure we can make that happen
Can you put a scooter racing minigame in the /host update?
  • Really want to make a go-kart racing minigame, but that’s a long term goal. Wasn’t going to be Wreck-it Ralph themed but love that so now it will be
Will Mickey’s Mix Magic have the Main Street projections?
  • No, not for now. Maybe in the distant future, but scary performance-wise right now
What updates will we get on the VIP room? There are those who've reaches VIP over the past few months still don't have their own slot on the podiums and what not so getting vip is basically a title showcase mostly and nothing else
  • We will be updating the VIP hall, current probably is that we’ve run out of space to add more spots, but will probably move all VIPs to a new spot to keep expanding
will maui's hook be able to be used again?
  • Yes
Are we getting another parkeology achievement/title?
  • updates every time we add a new ride
Is it possible to do pokemon battles with the players we catch?
  • No idea how it’ll work but that sounds fun, so someday
Can we get Battle Droid stuff mayhaps
  • There is a Battle Droid that was given out for the May 4th Stage Call
How much XP could be gained from the new ways you mentioned for the Magic Pass?
  • Not giving specific numbers because still running math, but there’s been considerable buffs to dailies and weeklies, and fixing bug with weeklies for those of you that cheated!!
can we get a Aurora and Snow White meet and greet pls
  • Yes! Sure that will happen
Will Walle in the mall for those that have the pass finally get his cool down removed?
  • No, will always have cooldown, never said he wasn’t going to have it
Can we get an ikea in the mall for furniture packs please
  • Probably not in the mall, but there will be a spot to buy furniture packs, maybe emporium
Will clubs have leaderboards like the normal leaderboards or something so there is a reason to join a club/guild?
  • The problem with clubs right now is that we’d love to have a leaderboard but unsure how progression would work to determine who’s the top to account for amount of players in the guild (average based on how many people are in the guild maybe)
  • Back in the day it was a big thing with guilds where you could connect your personal Discord server with your guild, so could invite IF discord bot to your community server and chat to your guild chat from a discord channel
Also, can we have events when we can walk around inside of the rides? I wanna get a closer look at so many of the rides in the server!
  • Definitely some event where you can explore some of the rides in the future
  • Want to make deep-dives where we show off some of the tech about the rides (code, animation, etc.) — maybe in the stage calls
    • Will have to clean up the code before we show these. Poll here choosing which ride we show if we end up doing this
any chance there would be a photo in the hall of fame for top overall score on buzz?
  • Not right now but can see about getting it in the overlay section
Any updates on parades?
  • No, sorry!
are you guys planning to do the Fire of the Rising Moons firework show in GE?
  • Not on our to-do list at the moment
heimlich 2 seater update?
  • Ramen: k
  • He will do it, hopefully in next changelog
Any updates on runaway railway..?
  • Nothing to discuss at this time
Any plans to combat kc inflation?
  • We’ve got plans, don’t worry!
Will Tomorrowland get some QOL updates at some point?
  • Yes
will we ever get a meridas bow. ive wanted it for so long please
  • Surely
We ever getting Roger’s the musical?
  • Might see if we can make it happen

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