Public Stage Call #8

Join us as we talk about upcoming features, events, and more at the monthly public stage call!

Public Stage Call #8
Jul 1, 2024 10:06 PM
Welcome to the July 2024 Stage Call! In case you’ve missed the meeting, here is a recording for you to listen along with as we discuss upcoming features and updates to the server:
Video preview
As a heads up, 1.20.1 will become the new baseline version to play with on the server in the future. To try and remind you to switch to this version, you’ll soon see some text in the chat when you join on a version lower than that one.
Also, the Insiders Pancake Pin has finally been sent out after two years of waiting for it. IYKYK. Shoutout to YetiSlippers for getting this out finally.

GLSEN Donation!

  • 14,000,000 Kingdom Coins donated for charity! shoutouts to everyone who donated!
  • Initially, we planned to cap our donation to $1,000, but we saw how much was additionally donated, and wanted to honor that. In total, we donated $1,496 USD!
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Magic Pass

  • Our newest feature: Magic Pass, a seasonal battlepass for IF! If you’ve played other video games like Valorant or Fortnite, you may be familiar with how this works.
    • Gain XP by your activity on the server! Riding rides, completing quests, and other activities will give you XP to your tier levels. Completing a tier level will reward you with an item!
    • You can unlock the full track by paying 10 Magic Keys, which will grant access to all items you unlock. For those who don’t, you get two free rewards for each 5 Tiers you hit, all the way up to Tier 50.
      • Completing the full track will earn you back the 10 Keys to spend to unlock it.
      • You can also pay 2 Keys to complete a single Tier, in case you’re really close to a goal you want to hit, in order to get the rewards from it.
    • Magic Pass is seasonal, lasting about three months each season. Our first season’s theme is Mickey & Friends.
    • Included rewards in the track are furniture, titles, collectibles, Tsum Tsums, and more! The two toys in the track, the Hot Dog Launcher and the Sorcerer’s Wand are both REALLY cool. We hope you like them!
  • A battlepass feature is controversial, but we thought it would be the easiest way to reward players with a ton of new items. We did everything in our power to make sure it wasn’t scummy and gross, and to make it so that’s it’s feasible to complete for all players. If you play IF at all, you will eventually earn the keys to pay to unlock the whole Magic Pass, we promise.
  • Some changes that have already been implemented
    • We noticed the XP reward for completing Daily Quests and Weekly Objectives was way too low, so that’s been buffed. About half of your XP should be coming from completing these, so we’ve made that adjustment to help with the flow of unlocking tiers.
    • We initially didn’t have enough displayed information on the in-game menu, so we’ve added some things like hover info about how it all works, and a clock that tells you when the season will end!
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    • We have also added a 2% XP boost for those who have unlocked the full battlepass.
  • We are closely watching everything regarding the Magic Pass and will be making changes through the season to make it fair for everyone who wants to use this feature.

Balloons Rework

  • Balloons is our sadly neglected feature. In case you aren’t aware, you can do /balloons to give your Minecraft character a balloon to walk with around the server — it’s a bit like the Trails feature! There’s a bunch of cool, unique designs, so check it out if you haven’t already! It’s cute!
    • Some new balloons are unlockable in the new Magic Pass feature!
  • We will be revamping this soon to make it a lot easier to use. Now, when you’re holding a balloon, it’ll always be with you no matter what. Previously whenever you spawned into the server or got off of a ride — because you can’t carry balloons with you on rides — you would need to reuse the command to re-equip it. Now, it’ll passively auto-equip to you when it can!
  • We love seeing people use this feature, and now it will be easier to use all around!

Holy Ride Rewrite

  • Working more on the ride system, we believe we’ve finally narrowed down and resolved most of the issues that people were experiencing with rides overall.
    • This includes what has been dubbed “Harry Potter’s Magical Flight”, where ride vehicles would ascend into the sky and never be seen ever again…
  • Things sort of broke while we were making adjustments to the ride system to make way for our big Retro update (more info below.) We are not sure how this happened, so… oops? It’s been fun trying to fix this when we haven’t been able to reproduce the issue ourselves, and by fun, I mean it’s been a nightmare.
  • If this happens to you in the future, please let us know so we can make sure everything is 100% fixed.

Retro → Main Server

  • We are 95% complete with our moving of the Retro server to be a part of the main server! Expect this to be coming in the next 2 weeks, actually!
  • With this update, Retro will now be its own “world”, but still be on the main server. This means:
    • You can warp directly to Retro rides and areas without needing to switch a server. At the hub and want to get to your favorite caterpillar train ride? Just type /w heimlichs and you’re good to go!
    • Retro chat is now a part of Main chat, which means you can chat with players while on Retro rides. No more being all alone on the Retro server!
      • Retro player lists will also be merged to Main server player lists.
    • Retro Multipliers and Daily Quests coming soon!
  • The Tower of Terror is the last ride to be updated and completed before it can be released.

Changelog Poll

  • We held a poll to see how we might update our changelog update schedule in the future, with most people saying they want bi-weekly / every other week changelogs.
  • We are taking this into consideration! You may see us stick to this, or maybe we’ll do something else! Just wait and see!

Virtual Queues - M&G Update

  • It’s no secret that Meet and Greets are very long, usually multi-hour commitments for everyone involved. Some go later than they really should, even. We’ve been thinking a lot about them, and think they could use a big of a revamp to how they work.
  • As a heads up, the bug involving Priority Fast Passes being eaten by the Virtual Queue system will be fixed before anything regarding this goes live. Thanks to those who have let us know about it happening and issues regarding it overall.
  • General updates coming:
    • Virtual Queues will now auto-close at reboot and won’t randomly be open anymore.
    • The hologram text above the Virtual Queue NPC will now tell you if it is open or closed, and how many people are currently in the queue.
      • Cam is very interested in a wait time displaying as well, but that requires math, so we’ll seeeeeeeeeeeeee
    • We want to find a way to make it so a player can pick an item they want signed, and that would take place automatically during interaction, as needing to drop items back and forth slows down the queue quite a bit.
  • Inviting friends / Party
    • Meet and Greets will now allow you to queue up a group with the Party feature. You will no longer need to manually teleport players in with our TP commands, as that was also contributing to longer wait times.
      • The amount of other players you can bring in will be limited, so no 47-player Meet and Greet Parties. Soggy sighs a breath of relief at this limitation.
      • As long as one person is in the party, more can be added prior to your turn in the queue.
      • You will need to be “with your group” more or less prior to your turn in line — be ready to come in, more or less.
      • People can be added to the party up to the point where you are called in; that is the cutoff for bringing people in. Hence, “be with your group.”
    • This system is sort of emulating the way things work in the real-life parks, with the Genie+ feature… or Lightning Lane… or whatever the name has been changed to now. Can we get it changed back to Fast Pass, Disney?
  • Priority Queue
    • Okay… let’s take in a breath really quick before reading everything in this section.
    • If you are getting into the Priority Queue with a group / in a Party, everyone must have a Priority Fast Pass. Everyone involved must have a Fast Past, not just the leader.
    • DVC will now get 1 Priority Fast Pass per week, rather than 1 per day. These Fast Passes will be updated to expire weekly (or bi-weekly, we’ll see), rather than daily. You can plan ahead when to use them.
      • Someone suggested Priority Fast Pass packs for the Magic Crate or upcoming Vote Shop, and Cam seemed interested in that.
      • Cam also will look into being able to sell your Priority Fast Passes, for those who want to do so.
    • We want everyone who wants to partake in a Meet and Greet to be able to do so. Currently, DVC gets a Fast Pass every day, which worked better a few years ago, when there were less Meet and Greets, but they had more character in them. But because of this daily FP, the Priority Queue is now sometimes double or triple the normal queue.
    • We really hope you understand why we need to look into some kind of change regarding how this is handled.
Nothing is set in stone, this is an open discussion. If the majority of people dislike the changes, then we can go back to how it currently is on the server. Please keep an open mind.
Our hope is the new system will be easier to use and that the queue will be simpler to enter, and be fair and balanced.

Thank you for your patience and thoughts!
Nothing is set in stone, this is an open discussion. If the majority of people dislike the changes, then we can go back to how it currently is on the server. Please keep an open mind. Our hope is the new system will be easier to use and that the queue will be simpler to enter, and be fair and balanced. Thank you for your patience and thoughts!

Marvel Event - Coming soon!

  • Our seasonal Summer Event this year will be Marvel themed!
  • The Marvel Nite party will be coming soon…
  • Best (our modeler extraordinaire) has been killing it with the custom models for this event!
  • Cool items incoming! Magic Crate will be refreshed in the next few days (normal items), a small gap, then Marvel starts!
    • Marvel Warp Effects!
      • Sling Ring warp effect will show different locations within the ring!
    • Funko Pops! 2 Sets to collect!
    • Loungeflies!
    • Other unique new items!
    • If you’re not that invested in Marvel, we will also have generic summer items up for grabs too!
    • Some older items will be re-released too
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Click on the triangle icon next to the question to expand the answer.
have you all eaten today? staying hydrated?
Cam has not, and the note taker has kindly informed him to EAT SOMETHING.
Soggy had lemonade :)
Any progress on mobility scooters or Toy Story Midway Mania leaks?
Nope, sorry
any updates on autopia? either when or what the new driving mechanics will be?
Autopia is in a state of Limbo currently due to the interactivity element of the ride (driving the car.)
Currently, all ride interactivity is locked instance-side. So, if you’re on, say, the Mad Tea Party, and other riders are on other instances, they can’t see you spin the cup. For the Teacups, this isn’t really an issue, but we really think that you should be able to see riders “driving” on Autopia. So, we need to rebuild how that all works before we can release Autopia.
In a perfect world, Cam wants the ride to just be one big mini-game, where you use your WASD keys to actually drive down the track… but he thinks it would make people a bit upset to change it away from your standard ride faire. You will be able to steer / “strafe” your car with A and D though.
/drift will return, too.
any refurbishments for new lands/areas?
Fantasyland has been getting some attention. It will be given a facelift in the future, but all of the rides just got updates. We now have /pov on all rides in that area, and animations should be a lot smoother! We’ve got Cinematic Cameras now, shoutouts to GodsGiftt! Whoaaaaaa!
Will there ever be a WDW expansion to IF? If not WDW, then maybe some other Disney resorts (Hong Kong Disney Resort, Tokyo Disneyland/Disney Sea, Disneyland Paris, etc)?
We are committed to Disneyland and DCA first and foremost. But, Cam is super interested in Disneyland Paris, if/when next possible. It’s more exciting to him because there’s a lot more unique rides there, rather than at WDW, where a lot of rides are too similar to that in Disneyland, and the devs require enrichment, like hamsters chewing on different types of cardboard.
lego store in downtown disney?
The store will definitely be built, and we MAY allow you to buy LEGO sets. Just don’t tell Soggy, who was in the call at the time.
Would it be possible to get a multiplier for xp or at least a 2x xp multi on weekends?
It definitely wouldn’t be x2, as that would probably break the flow of XP, but we can find a way to give an XP boost for the weekends.
with the pin hoarder buff incoming, would you guys consider adding a trade-in feature? for example if you have like 4 of the same quality of the same pin you can trade those in to upgrade to the next highest quality of that same pin (suggested trades: 4 minimal defects → 1 mint 5 well kept → 1 minimal defects 6 slightly scratched → 1 well kept 7 heavily worn → 1 slightly scratched)
Cam: Hmm.
Soggy: Hmm…
They sounds interested… though, Cam doesn’t want to make it too easy to get Mints.
Related to Pin Hoarder, a poll was held briefly, and the buff coming to his pin prices will be a fixed rate, rather than the shifting ones that NPCs like Stacy and Katy have.
Will extra realistic sounds be added to the audio? Like the last lift hill's sounds from Pirates Of The Caribbean, or other rides' safety spiels such as Splash Mountain, or Big Thunder Mountain, etc.
MidnightB talked about something similar at the last stage call. He wants to add a lot of ambience to the server audio overall, for a bit of a realistic flair. Cam thinks he might do the same for rides once he’s done with park locales.
To add onto pins, could we possibly ever see player pin trading locations with the board to display them like in the irl parks? This would be players leaving a pin and taking a pin
Cam will make pinboards if you want that! Then, he got really excited for display entities coming with a major server update in the future (the 1.20.1 requirement.)
this isn't a question i just wanted to say that snow white pov has changed my life. it is magnificent. y'all cooked AND served i love it thank you so much
Thank you for your lovely comment!
any chance we can get a rough idea of how much kc we should save for hotels? i've got 100k set aside, wondering if that's too little or too much perhaps
100k would be a good starting point. You can get a lot done with 100k.
i am once again asking for a llama buyer. plspls reconsider, imo with the pride llamas we need it now more than ever & i think others would agree :,)
Fine. Pacha the Llama buyer, at some point. Soggy got VERY excited.
re: user submitted suggestion of having some kind of indicator on opened pin packs if the pin(s) inside are mint: please. i beg. this would save us all SO much kc. p l e a s e.
Cam will add some kind of marker next to Mints on opened packs in the future.
Could we see a slight decrease in pin prices? I feel like 400-500 per box when they used to be 4 gold (~250 KC) is a large increase when most times you get a heavily worn/slightly scratched and it ultimately taking thousands of KC in order to complete a set..
The Pin Hoarder buff comes first. If packs are too expensive still, the prices will be explored in the future.
Will Space Mountain ever get a refurbishment? Especially like a rebuild of the loading station, as that is slightly diagonal irl
It will probably never be made diagonal, since block game. “Slightly” diagonal would be awkward to do. But, never say never on a build refresh.
Updates on Tiki Room? 👀
Who says we’re doing Tiki Room?
Will mayors be related magic passes in the future?
Never say never.
Are you guys going to fix the invisible roller coaster cars because I was riding one of the rides and the cars were invisible
It looks like it may still be an issue, sorry about that! If you encounter this issue, please let us know.
Could you make it so the fastpass is a digital thing with the IFone? like you can use your phone as a fastpass anyways if you have IF+ 👀
No, as Cam wants people to be able to sell to players.
will M&G characters be able to open pins still?
will we be able to add people to our meet & greet party/queue if they join late? (after the queue closes)
dca cannonball?!???!?? 😂😂😂🐺
Adding onto this, Disneyland Resort cannonball?
We’ve done that!
when r u adding fast pass to ROTR
We’ll get that added on the next rollout, probably. It won’t be a Kylo pre-show skip, because the skip breaks the timing for the ride too much.
idk if this is possible but i wish i could wear bing bongs wagon like the halloween costumes
If the model permits, we’ll see what we can do.
So if the summer event is Marvel themed does this mean M&G are Marvel Themed?
Some will be coming very soon!
Would it be possible to make it so you could pay a certain amount of coins to get your name put on already opened pins? (Like ones purchased off of the market)
Okay, okay, we’ll let you replace with your name if you want. We may try and keep the list of past owners of the pin on there somewhere, though.
when are the suggested names (insiders form) for shibes, cats, llamas, etc. being added into the game?
This should be implemented already..? We think.
wait, once we make the changes for the fastpass and all, will all of our passes disappear with the group if we all pick prio?
any updates on the tram audio?
We haven’t found a new version of the audio we like yet. Worse case scenario, we’ll use old audio, since we agree that our current quality is not the best.
What's with the clicking on Casey Jr?
??? We will look into this!
Any news for 4 July ?
It’s in 2 days. We will have a lovely bundle. Cam is making the MARK 5 FREEDOM LAUNCHER
Cam, his voice taking on an air of drama: “…you will see the monorail before you can EXPERIENCE the monorail.”
this might be extreme but can we get a sholdder pet based off of our own skin?
We’re not sure that’s possible, unfortunately.
Will Splash Mountain animatronics have updated features such as beaks, ears, etc.?
This will probably not happen. Our focus in the future will be Tiana’s.
Cam can we make it a feature to where we can see how long our IF+ lasts?
We want to give it a proper menu. But, for now, you will get a simple text command.
Cam and Soggy are now completely incoherent about popcorn, having gone very much over the time we usually stop at. Cam can’t use Google Docs for the life of him, and Soggy doesn’t know who Pete is. We are all falling into a vortex, and there was some kind of spinning wheel involved?
…thanks for listening, everyone! :)

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